How are teams selected?

Competitive teams are selected every year based on auditions.

See News Updates and News Community for audition dates and times.

Auditions usually occur at the end of September into early October.

See Auditions for more details on the audition process.


Competition Fees:

All competitive dancers are required to pay a mandatory $25.00 fee to cover extra costs for teams.

Dancers must also pay competitive fees outlined by the competitions to be attended.

These fees are usually $25.00 per routine but fees for solos, duet/trios and scholarships will vary.


Independently choreographed solos, duet/trios or small groups may also be submitted to competitions.

Dancers in independent competitive routines must supply their own costumes and pay all competitive fees.

For more information on independent routines see the Independent Routines page.


Commitment & Attendance:

Teams rehearse 2-3 hours a week and attend several competitions through-out the year.

Dancers must be committed.

Dancers may be removed from a routine if absences succeed three per semester or if absences succeed those specified by the instructors.



O.U.C.H:  Ontario University Competition for Hip Hop


Dance Dance Dance


Competition Opportunities:

For a list of competitive classes offered see Classes.



For results from previous competitions see Awards.


For more information contact:


